Affordable M.Ed. Programs Available Online

Once you decide to pursue an advanced degree in education, you must choose the school and program that will best fulfill your requirements and align with your interests. The online Master of Education (M.Ed.) programs from Worcester State University provide the flexibility you need to continue working while you earn your degree. But there are several other important factors to consider, such as accreditation, reputation, available programs, and cost.

Consider the Financial Decisions

Pricing of online programs varies widely from school to school. Some charge a per-course fee in addition to tuition, and some schools charge per credit-hour or per semester. Online Master of Education programs typically range from 30 to 38 credit hours. So, depending on your schedule and how many courses you take per semester, your costs can add up.

There are many financial benefits to choosing an online program instead of a more traditional on-campus program. For instance, because you will not be driving to campus, there are no commuting costs associated with online learning, like parking fees, tolls, gas, vehicle maintenance, and public transportation. Attending class from home instead of traveling to and from campus means that you will save time as well.

Worcester State University Master of Education Online Programs

Worcester State University currently offers four online M.Ed. Programs:

Each program is extremely affordable, and you only pay for each course as you take it. The online M.Ed. programs are 33 to 37 credit hours in length. In terms of duration, the Educational Leadership & Administration program can be completed in as few as 12 months, while students can finish the university’s other three online M.Ed. programs in as few as 14 months. In addition, Worcester State University offers multiple start dates per year to accommodate the complex schedules of working professionals.

Experienced faculty teach all courses. Worcester State University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education and has been training highly qualified educators for over 40 years.

An Ideal M.Ed. Option for Working Professionals

As mentioned earlier, the online model of Worcester State University’s M.Ed. programs allows you to keep working while you earn your degree. This means you can continue earning a full-time salary, pursuing career advancements, and meeting your other commitments, equating to substantial opportunity cost savings and a potentially quicker return on investment versus on-campus learning.

This is perhaps one of the most financially beneficial aspects of earning your M.Ed. online. Plus, you can apply what you learn in real-time to your work in the classroom, deepening the opportunity for experiential education and offering more immediate professional and personal rewards. If considering these factors makes advancing your education seem more attainable, an online M.Ed. from Worcester State University may be a good option to consider.

Learn more about Worcester State University’s online Master of Education programs.

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