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Job Options for Early Childhood Education Master’s Grads

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 53.3% of three- and four-year olds were enrolled in U.S. schools in 2022, representing a return to pre-COVID-19 enrollment levels for this age group. The Bipartisan Policy Center reports that the U.S. population of children age five or under approaches 23 million. Data from Statista shows that there are over 18,000 early childhood learning centers in the U.S. Plus, as highlighted by Vision Research Reports, the U.S. childcare market size reached USD 60.44 billion in 2022. These numbers represent clear opportunities for teachers and educators who have a heart for working with the very young.

Some positions in early childhood education settings are only available to those with a master’s degree. In addition to working directly with students in the classroom, educators with advanced degrees in the field can pursue other career paths. These include curriculum development, childcare/preschool administration, leadership in pre-kindergarten programs like Head Start, leadership in a private preschool or childcare center, and home-based educator in programs such as Early Head Start. Worcester State University offers an online Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Early Childhood Education program designed for educators with these career aspirations.

Jobs for Graduates With a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education

A master’s degree in early childhood education will prepare you to find success in a position that matches your specific passions and career goals. Here are a few examples of possible careers:

  • Preschool teachers work with students ages 3 to 5 in the classroom, preparing them for transition into kindergarten.
  • A childcare director manages and supervises an entire childcare center.
  • A director of curriculum development helps create and oversee the implementation of appropriate curricula for children.
  • Administrators — like principals and assistant principals — lead a school, either public or private, and oversee the daily management of academic and operational business.
  • Head Start or Early Head Start — organizations that promote school readiness — hire graduates for teaching, supervisory, and administrative roles.
  • Some graduates with an M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education may specialize in working with children who have special needs or children who are English language learners.
  • Graduates can also go on to teach in post-secondary education, preparing others to work in the field of early childhood education.

The Benefits of Having a Master’s Degree in Education

Graduates of an M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education may see a significant salary increase. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that median 2022 salaries of workers with a master’s degree were, on average, $11,908 higher than those with only a bachelor’s degree.

The difference in compensation for classroom teachers and administrative roles is even greater. According to BLS, preschool teachers earned a 2022 median annual wage of $35,330. Comparatively, preschool and childcare center directors working in state, local, and private schools earned a median annual salary of $65,130 in 2022.

With Worcester State University’s fully online M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, educators can earn this advanced degree while they continue working with children, earning a salary, and pursuing career opportunities. Plus, educators can apply what they learn directly to their work in the classroom, enriching the academic and social-emotional impact they can have on children’s lives every day.

Learn more about Worcester State University’s online M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education program.

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